Course Introduction to Python

What is Python? Python is a language just like English or Spanish, but for computers. We use Python to write programs that the computer can run so that we can perform different tasks. In order to learn Python, let's look at the lesson plan below:

Lesson Plan

Title Type Duration
 Introduction to Python Video  02:21
 Lesson 1.1: Printing Video  05:48
 Storytime Mini Project  20:00
 Lesson 1.2: Data Types and Variables Video  05:11
 Data Types and Variables Quiz Quiz  10:00
 Lesson 1.3: Input Video  03:25
 Madlibs! Mini Project  30:00
 Lesson 1.4: Conditionals Video  07:02
 Trivia Quiz Mini Project  30:00
 Lesson 1.5: Loops Video  03:15
 Challenge Problems Exercise  20:00
 Lesson 1 Conclusion Video  02:16
 Choose Your Own Adventure Final Project  40:00

Meet the Teacher

Only in 5th grade, Matthew is already on his way to teaching Python to newcomers.

  • Matthew

    Python Teacher

Frequently asked questions

Do I have to be an adult to learn Python?

Python is for children and adults. Don't worry too much about age, just give the course a shot!

Do I need to have a fancy computer or install anything?

No, all you need is a computer that can run a web browser such as Google Chrome, Mozila Firefox, Safari, etc. with an internet connection.

Do I need prior programming knowledge to take this course?

Not at all! We'll be teaching you the basics - from the setup to the moment you can write your own programs.

How much does this course cost?

As of now, it's free! You can begin learning starting right now!

What's the best way to continue learning Python after the course?

After taking the course, just keep practicing. There are a lot of video tutorials online about Python if you want to learn more advanced topics.